Wednesday Night....
For those of you who have been asking- here's how my night went. I walked in, dressed to kill, head held high, ready for anything. There he sat, watching every move I made as I walked to the bar. I smiled at him as I ordered a drink. He insisited it be put on his tab. I slowly sipped my Jack and Coke. I heard "These Arms Of Mine", begin to play. He asked me if I'd like to dance. This is what I'd been wating for- he didn't take his eyes off of me. As the music played, he held me close. I looked up into his eyes, and found the courage to tell him. I know nothing about him, not even his name. "Bobby".... "I'm a det..", he said, but was cut short but a phone call... He mouthed, I'm sorry- as he walked out of the bar. Damn, I worked so hard for a half a dance. A detective. At least I have a first name to put with a face- the face that's been haunting me for weeks now. Cigarettes: 27, this really isn't helping me quit. Now you know.
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