The Breathless Fantasy...

There's A Fine Line Between Fantasy And Reality... I'm Dancing On That Line

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Location: New York, The Big Apple, United States

My heart guides me, but my mind always finds me..... "I could be in the street, I could be on a train, Or struck in some doorway down, In the pouring rain, Now there is not one place, That doesn't feel like home...."

Saturday, November 05, 2005


I'm going to attempt to get some this evening. It's been one hetic week, and after going out last night, I'm ready for some rest. "Emma" was still very un-easy today. I'll be glad for tomorrow to come. Her son usually visits her on sunday afternoon, and I hope he'll put her mind at ease once she sees him. I don't know what's wrong, but how soon I hope it gets resolved. I can't stand seeing her like this- and there's nothing I can do to help. I used to "fixing things". As a nurse, I'm typically able to "fix" what's wrong. Uncomfortable? I can fluff the pillows, get an extra blanket, get a nice cool drink to help out. Hurting? I can give their medications, or listen to what is causing the hurt. It's when I can't "fix" the hurting that I become upset with myself. I know I have to accept there are things I cannot change, but for some reason, I still believe I'm "super woman". I think I can do it all, fix whatever is wrong, no matter what. Sometimes, I just can't. I can't fix whatever "Emma's" son is going through. I can't heal her worried heart. I wish I could. I would take her worry for her.

It's not even 9:00pm and I'm exhausted. I shouldn't have gone out last night. I had a great time, don't get me wrong, but I paid dearly for it today. Susan's "cop" called her yesterday and she was ecstatic. I do hope this works out for her. She deserves happiness more than anyone I know. After Shane and Wes- I can't believe she's even open to dating again. Maria and I sang a few songs and had a few drinks. I think that was the problem. I didn't have that much to drink, but the drinks coupled with lack of sleep makes everything more difficult. I'm staying in tonight. My night with Morris. He's appreciative. I need to be refreshed tomorrow. "Emma" is counting on me. I can't let her down.


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