"God, grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference..."
Such simple words. Why are they so hard to accept? Why can we not accept the things in which we cannot change? Why do we not have the courage to change the things we can? But most of all- why do we lack the wisdom to know the difference? Is it because we choose to turn a blind-eye to things we feel are aren't front and center in our lives? Or perhaps we think we're super-heroes, we can do it all. So often we fail because we fail to try. Then again, we fail because we tried to hard. Finding the happy medimum in life is often difficult. We give up to easily, or beat ourselves up over things we wish had worked out differently. I've been through that this week.
I've beaten myself up for letting a patient down. I've had to realize, that what happened, I cannot change. It was out of my hands. It's in God's. He looks after her. He granted me a place in her life. I have a purpose to serve. I've had to take a step back. Eating a big piece of humble pie is never a tasty meal. Somehow, after eating it, you always seem to feel better. I've made peace with what's happened. It doesn't make it right, but it's over. I'll go in to work in the morning, and care for her and my other patients to the best of my ability. I will go on.
I'm thinking of investing in some nicotine gum- gotta kick this habit!
To accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference..."
Such simple words. Why are they so hard to accept? Why can we not accept the things in which we cannot change? Why do we not have the courage to change the things we can? But most of all- why do we lack the wisdom to know the difference? Is it because we choose to turn a blind-eye to things we feel are aren't front and center in our lives? Or perhaps we think we're super-heroes, we can do it all. So often we fail because we fail to try. Then again, we fail because we tried to hard. Finding the happy medimum in life is often difficult. We give up to easily, or beat ourselves up over things we wish had worked out differently. I've been through that this week.
I've beaten myself up for letting a patient down. I've had to realize, that what happened, I cannot change. It was out of my hands. It's in God's. He looks after her. He granted me a place in her life. I have a purpose to serve. I've had to take a step back. Eating a big piece of humble pie is never a tasty meal. Somehow, after eating it, you always seem to feel better. I've made peace with what's happened. It doesn't make it right, but it's over. I'll go in to work in the morning, and care for her and my other patients to the best of my ability. I will go on.
I'm thinking of investing in some nicotine gum- gotta kick this habit!
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