The Breathless Fantasy...

There's A Fine Line Between Fantasy And Reality... I'm Dancing On That Line

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Location: New York, The Big Apple, United States

My heart guides me, but my mind always finds me..... "I could be in the street, I could be on a train, Or struck in some doorway down, In the pouring rain, Now there is not one place, That doesn't feel like home...."

Monday, September 11, 2006

After Five Years...

This day still REALLY gets to me. Nothing could prepare anyone for what they would endure. For the fear, the terror, the anger, the confusion, the sorrow- everything that we would continue to carry with us for years. I remember it like it was yesterday. The smoke, the smell, the cries for help. So many people, so much need, and so few to help.

When I say so few, I mean in regards to the demand. There were people crying and screaming in pain. We worked around the clock. I can't remember how many hours I was awake. I know it was well over 48. September 11th, 2001 proved one thing to me- when you think you can't take anymore you can. Never under estimate the power of the human soul. Love, compassion, and faith kept me going.

There were so many times I wanted to quit. I wanted to run back to my apartment, and not come out. I wanted to block out the images of the mangled people. The images of those screaming and crying, searching for their loved one's haunts me to this day. The wails of pain, for those I couldn't comfort. The hands I held as they passed from this world.

On a day of such terror and sorrow, came something greater than anyone could imagine- The infinite love and grace of God. He kept us ALL going. He gave us the strength to care for those who couldn't care for themselves. He allowed those who were attacked to die with dignity. I believe they all have a home in his eternal kingdom. That's the only thing that has kept me semi-sane these past 5 years.

May we NEVER forget...


Blogger Axe said...

That event ranks right up there with Hitler's genocide of the Jews, for me.
I guess it did bring a lot of strangers together. Pity it takes such tragedy for people to care about each other.

9:23 AM  
Blogger Axe said...

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9:23 AM  

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